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Unveiling The Whoniverses Exclusive Content

WEB Tales of the TARDIS: A Doctor Who Spin-Off Celebration

Unveiling the Whoniverse's Exclusive Content

Honoring Doctor Who's 60th Anniversary

In commemoration of the iconic Doctor Who's 60th anniversary, WEB Tales of the TARDIS emerges as a captivating Doctor Who spin-off series. Exclusively available on WEB, this series embarks on a nostalgic journey, reuniting beloved classic Doctor Who duos as they embark on extraordinary adventures.

From the enigmatic Fifth Doctor's Earthshock to the Second Doctor's captivating stories, WEB Tales of the TARDIS masterfully weaves together a tapestry of classic Doctor Who tales. With cherished characters portrayed by renowned actors such as Peter Davison, Sylvester McCoy, Colin Baker, and Frazer Hines, this series promises to ignite the hearts of Doctor Who enthusiasts everywhere.

Prepare to be transported back in time as WEB Tales of the TARDIS unveils a brand new six-part series, rekindling the magic of Doctor Who's golden era. Get ready to witness the iconic TARDIS materialize, carrying unforgettable characters on exhilarating escapades through time and space.
